The script starts for the libraries : ['affy', 'affydata', 'affyPLM', 'annaffy', 'annotate', 'Biobase', 'Biostrings', 'DynDoc', 'gcrma', 'genefilter', 'geneplotter', 'hgu95av2.db', 'limma', 'marray', 'matchprobes', 'multtest', 'ROC', 'vsn', 'xtable', 'affyQCReport'] Library Dependencies affy Biobase methods utils affyio preprocessCore tkWidgets affydata geneplotter affydata affyPLM affy Biobase methods gcrma stats preprocessCore affydata annaffy methods Biobase GO.db KEGG.db hgu95av2.db multtest tcltk annotate methods Biobase AnnotationDbi xtable hgu95av2.db genefilter Biostrings rae230a.db rae230aprobe tkWidgets XML GO.db hom.Hs.inp.db Biobase tools methods utils tkWidgets ALL Biostrings methods stats utils Biobase BSgenome BSgenome.Celegans.UCSC.ce2 BSgenome.Dmelanogaster.UCSC.dm3 drosophila2probe hgu95av2probe RUnit DynDoc methods utils gcrma Biobase affy matchprobes splines affydata genefilter methods Biobase survival class hgu95av2.db tkWidgets geneplotter Biobase methods lattice annotate hgu95av2.db hu6800.db hgu133a.db fibroEset Rgraphviz annotate hgu95av2.db limma methods affy marray MASS splines sma statmod vsn marray limma methods tkWidgets matchprobes Biobase affy hgu95av2cdf hgu95av2probe hu6800cdf hu6800probe multtest methods Biobase survival ROC utils methods Biobase vsn methods lattice Biobase affy limma affydata hgu95av2cdf geneplotter xtable affyQCReport Biobase affy simpleaffy xtable affyPLM RColorBrewer geneplotter genefilter lattice tkWidgets affydata methods utils affyio methods preprocessCore methods tkWidgets methods widgetTools DynDoc Biobase stats GO.db KEGG.db tcltk AnnotationDbi methods utils Biobase DBI RSQLite hgu95av2.db GO.db human.db0 mouse.db0 rat.db0 fly.db0 yeast.db0 arabidopsis.db0 zebrafish.db0 rae230a.db rae230aprobe XML hom.Hs.inp.db tools ALL BSgenome methods Biobase Biostrings BSgenome.Celegans.UCSC.ce2 BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18 hgu95av2probe BSgenome.Celegans.UCSC.ce2 BSgenome.Dmelanogaster.UCSC.dm3 drosophila2probe hgu95av2probe RUnit splines survival class lattice hu6800.db hgu133a.db fibroEset Rgraphviz methods utils graph grid MASS sma statmod hgu95av2cdf hu6800cdf hu6800probe simpleaffy affy genefilter Biobase methods utils gcrma RColorBrewer widgetTools methods utils tcltk Biobase DBI RSQLite human.db0 mouse.db0 rat.db0 fly.db0 yeast.db0 arabidopsis.db0 zebrafish.db0 BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18 graph methods SparseM XML RBGL grid SparseM RBGL graph methods # Number of libraries to package 75